Office of the Auditor General of BC
For over ten years, Holy Cow was the Agency of Record for the Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia (OAG) before design work was moved in-house. Starting with the development of branding and graphic design standards to ensure coherence on multi-page reports, our work with the OAG grew to managing the visual identity and consistency of the brand across all applications. The audience for OAG reports is both government bodies and the general public, and both must be considered when it comes to design and layout. Published online, it is important that the format is suitable for single-page viewing.
In 2019 Holy Cow was tasked to review and update the OAG report design. We requested a review of the current design from the auditors, marketing team and a selection of users. Based on this review of what is working, and where changes are needed, we developed a new design. The end result has a lighter, more modern feel through the change to a fresher colour palette and font usage. The report highlight page changed from the simple colour blocks to an organic flow of information highlighted with relevant, interesting graphics to make the entire page ideally suited for social media sharing.

As well as multi-page report design our work for the OAG included the creation of impactful infographics distilling complex information into shareable pieces for public awareness. Since it is the duty of the OAG to report to the public, custom data visualizations and respective infographics are thoughtfully built to be featured in media throughout BC and across Canada.
All OAG report samples can be found online at:
We’ve worked with Julie and Erica at Holy Cow for many years, primarily to graphically design our public reports. They’re always professional and often return the work ahead of schedule. Erica and Julie continually make us feel like we’re their only clients. They have a tremendous willingness to help and always do what they can to accommodate our timelines and other varied requests.